من طرف *_فوفو كويتيه_* الإثنين أكتوبر 12, 2009 12:34 am
يعطيك الف الف الف الف الف الف الف
سوري ع التعب
عافيه ع الموضوع
the internet is fastest growing communication
system in human history, it also allows people to write to each other
electronically , it used to send messages and letter to any person in
the world in second, people do not like using the internet and would
prefer to deal with newspaper some children spend too mush time using
the internet and so they waste their time , also evil people can send
bad films to show bad acts , causes long number of crimes
مع تحياتي اختكم ..
*(فوفو كويتيه)*